Java applications can run from an MS-DOS window. Start up the roster part of the TLA by clicking the Start button, then Programs->MS-DOS Prompt. Go to the directory where you deposited the application files and invoke the roster application with java -jar roster.zip. |
For Windows users, another more convenient alternative would be to create a shortcut to the roster application on your desktop. Open up the windows explorer and click to the directory which holds the zip files. Rename them to roster.jar and ladder.jar, then drag them to the desktop with the mouse to create a shortcut. Double-clicking on these should bring them up correctly. |
An empty roster should pop up that looks like this. If it doesn't, and instead you get some complaints there are two likely reasons. If the "java" command wasn't found then you don't have your PATH variable set correctly. You could type the complete pathname of the "java" command and see if it works. If there are a lot of "class definition not found" messages you don't have your CLASSPATH variable set properly. Look at it again. |
You will want to set some defaults which establish the names and location of your roster and match score files. |
Change any of these path and filenames if you want. The default directory for storing your data is the current directory you are sitting in. The SMTP server is the name of your email server. This will be needed when you want to email out your roster, round recaps and lineups, etc. If you don't know the name, look at the way you have your email application set up for your ISP and use the name you find there. This isn't Hotmail, you must have an email account established with an Internet Service Provider. Enter your own email address into the "From" field so this can be included with your mailings. |
You can cause the default roster data file to load up for you when the program starts, otherwise you will have to click a menu item and load it into the program yourself. |
You will now want to start entering in the information about the members of your tennis ladder. |
You can accept the default you chose in the configuration step or use a different file name if you wish. |
Click on Add new player to fill out the data on each member and click Submit to record it to your roster. |
When you click on a player's name in the left-hand pane, his contact information will appear on the right. You may the want to modify his info or delete him. Players marked as "inactive" will remain in the database but will not be included in the list for sending out the email. Email capability is available only from the ladder application at this time, but you could email out your roster from there. |
Don't forget to save your new roster before quitting out of the program. You can print your roster to a text file with the print menu option and then view it with Wordpad or the editor of your choice if you like. |